Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Dynamic Duo & More....

We tried to take pictures of Evan and Olivia together, but it didn't work very well! So here are a few more pictures and the only good one of them together! They are our Dynamic Duo!! Also, Olivia took two steps towards her daddy yesterday!! What a big girl...she may be walking on her own by her 1st birthday:)

Fun with Balloons

Here are more pictures! Olivia loved playing with the balloons! They are pink and green, but the green ones showed up blue in the photos:( Oh well, they're still cute! Enjoy:)

Say Cheese.......

Olivia had her fist birthday photo shoot! We think the pictures turned out really good and wanted to share them with you! We are starting a buisness in photography....just kidding:)

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Go Colts!!

Daddy was able to get some free tickets to the Colts pre-season game so he and Evan had a "guys" night out! They had a great time and stayed out way past bed time, but the fun was well worth it! They stayed the entire game and moved around to several seats so Evan could get a good look at the "ladies!" He really enjoyed watching the cheerleaders! Oh course, just like Daddy! He came home with a Colts football and said that he was going to play with them some day! Big dreams for such a small guy!