Thursday, January 7, 2010

In Pendleton We Can Build A Snowman......

Kirk, Evan and Emma enjoyed playing the snow last week! They made this nice snowman with a carrot nose and all! Needless to say, Emma ate the carrot right off of the snowman's face! She later destroyed the snowman in an attempt to find one of her chew toys that was buried under the snowman! Opps!
Today we woke to more snow on the ground, but Evan still had school! It's much different living in Central Indiana rather than Southern! They have equipment to clear the roads and rarely close school here! Evan wants to try to build another snowman after school. Daddy said that he had to wait and see what the weather is due to the frigid temps! We already have about 4 inches and are expecting more! Hope everyone is staying warm this winter season! Here's to a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate...cheers!

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